[email protected], [email protected]
+91 866 2492998
Present Roles:
- Dean (Academics & Administration), P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science
- Professor & Head, Department of Commerce and Business Administration, P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science
Teaching Experience:
- Has over Twenty Nine years of experience in teaching Post-Graduate students of Commerce & Business Administration.
Research Guidance:
- Guiding Research Scholars at Post-Graduate Level for obtaining degrees of MPhil, and PhD currently 7 Research Scholars pursuing their research in the areas such as Industrial Relations, Foreign Investment Flows, Capital Markets etc., Eleven Research Scholars were awarded with MPhil Degrees and Six Research Scholars were awarded with PhD
Ph.D. Thesis Supervised:
- M.Dhadurya Naik “A Study on Retail Service Quality in Organised Retailing: with refererence to Krishna and Guntur Districts of Andhra Pradesh”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2017.
- O.Kishore “Market Efficiency of Selected Commodity Derivatives”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2016.
- G.Prasanna Kumar “An Empirical Study on Indian Stock Market Integration with Select Emerging and Developed Stock Markets during 2004-14”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2015.
- D.Srinivasa Rao “A Study on Performance Evaluation of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in India during 2007-13”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2014.
- S.B.Rajendra Prasad “A Study on Foreign Direct Investment in India and Impact on Trade and Development”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2012.
- J.Durga Prasad “A Study on Welfare of Social Security Measures in Singareni Collieries”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2011.
Professional Achievements:
- Co-Authored Six Books titled “Advertising and Brand Management”, “Advertising – Sales Promotion & Distribution”, “Marketing Management (Text & Cases)”, “Knowledge Management”, “Marketing Management” and “Management Science” published with ISBN classification.
- Presented 45 Research Papers in National and International Seminars and Conferences.
- Published 61 Research Papers in Journals of National Repute.
Countries Visited:
Mexico, USA, Germany
Professional Honours, Awards and Fellowships:
- CMI Level 5 Certification from ‘Chartered Management Institute, UK’ in Management & Leadership upon successful completion of the course work guided by faculty from Dudley College, UK. This is the flagship programme under UKIERI (United Kingdom India Education Research Initiative) sponsored by UK and Indian Governments with AICTE being the Nodal Agency to enhance the professional expertise and strong collaborative eco-system for promoting research.(2018).
- Paul Harris Fellow‘ The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International’ bestowed Paul Harris Fellowship in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world.(2014).
- Team Leader – Group Study Exchange Team to Mexico‘The Rotary Foundation’ deputed him as Team Leader and Rotary representative to accompany a Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange Team of business and professional people from India to Mexico during 31st March 2013 6th May 2013. The selection is based on the exceptional professional and personal qualifications and the ability to serve as representative of the representing country to communities abroad.
- Fellow - Computer Society of India (2009-10) ‘Computer Society of India’ bestowed him with Fellowship for the contribution made in the field of Information Computer and Technology in southern part of the Country.
- District Leadership – Rotary International District 3020: The District leadership given many assignments to promote the ideals of Rotary in areas such as International Service, Community Development, Career Counselling, Polio Eradication, Literacy promotion;
- Outstanding Paper Awardwith cash prize of Rs.10,000 for the paper presented at Third Capital Market Conference conducted by UTI-ICM, Mumbai during 23-24, Dec 1999.
International Leadership Training / Roles:
- Presented paper at Global Symposium on Women Leadership at University of Riverside, California, USA in June 2016.
- Trained at International Leadership Institute, Frederic Naumann Stiftung, Gummersbach, Germany for 8 days during 2006.
- Leader - Group Study Exchange Team of Rotary International visited Mexico during April-May 2013.
- Presented paper at International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Harvard Campus, Boston, USA during 26-30, May 2013.
- Hosted Group Study Exchange and Group Friendship Exchange Teams of Rotary International to promote international understanding from Egypt, Thailand and Mexico.
- Visited many university campuses in Germany, Mexico and USA including Stanford, UC Berkley, Harvard, Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior, Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo, Autonomous University of Baja California Sur, Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior – CETYS, Campus Mexicali during earlier visits.
Activities in Professional Associations
- President, National HRD Network, Vijayawada Chapter, 2016-18
- Chairman, Computer Society of India, Vijayawada Chapter 2013-14
- Past Secretary, Indian Liberal Group, Vijayawada Chapter
- Joint Secretary, The Vijayawada Productivity Council
- Chairman, Teacher Support, TEACH, RILM, Rotary International
- Past President, Rotary Club of Vijayawada, Sree Durga 2008-09
- Life Member, Indian Red Cross Society
- Mentor, NIABI of ICRISAT, Hyderabad
Community Service
- Conducted many social service activities such as Blood Donation Camps, AIDS Awareness Rallies, Skill Development Programmes, Women Empowerment Programmes, End Polio campaigns.
- Being a member of Rotary Club of Vijayawada, Sree Durga participated in many of the fund raising activities for The Rotary Foundation.
- Participated in awareness and advocacy of many campaigns in promoting good habits, book reading, international understanding and peace and harmony.
- Awarded Merit Certificate by His Excellency Shri Surjeet Singh Barnala, Governor of Andhra Pradesh for motivating people to Donate Blood in the year 2003-2004.
- Regular contributor to The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) which provides free meals to the needy school going children.